Source code for gym_urbandriving.utils.featurizer

from gym_urbandriving.assets.traffic_light import TrafficLight
import numpy as np
import shapely
import os
import gym_urbandriving as uds
from gym_urbandriving.assets import Terrain, Lane, Street, Sidewalk,\
    Pedestrian, Car, TrafficLight

import os
import IPython

LIGHT_ARC = np.pi / 16

def distance(p1, p2):
    return ((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2)**0.5

[docs]class Featurizer(object): """ Object to convert a state observation into a Q-LIDAR observation. Attributes ---------- beam_distance : int How far each "LIDAR" beam will project into the scene n_arcs : How many "LIDAR" beams to project around the car """ def __init__(self, config_data={}, beam_distance=300, n_arcs=9): self.config_data = config_data self.arc_deltas = np.arange(n_arcs + 1) / (float(n_arcs) / 2) - 1 self.arc_deltas = [i*np.pi/2 for i in self.arc_deltas] self.beam_distance = beam_distance
[docs] def featurize(self, current_state, controlled_key,type_of_agent='controlled_cars'): """ Returns a Numpy array of a Q-LIDAR representation of the state Parameters ---------- current_state : PositionState State of the world controlled_key : Key for controlled car in the state to generate a feature for Returns ------- Numpy array. For each ray projected into the scene, adds distance \ to collision, angle to collision, and velocity of intersected object """ car = current_state.dynamic_objects[type_of_agent][controlled_key] x, y, angle, vel = car.get_state() goal = car.destination goalx, goaly = goal[0], goal[1] min_light_d = LIGHT_DISTANCE min_light_state = None light_cone = shapely.geometry.Polygon([(x, y), (x + np.cos(-LIGHT_ARC+angle)*LIGHT_DISTANCE, y - np.sin(-LIGHT_ARC+angle)*LIGHT_DISTANCE), (x + np.cos(LIGHT_ARC+angle)*LIGHT_DISTANCE, y - np.sin(LIGHT_ARC+angle)*LIGHT_DISTANCE),]) #print(goal_d, goal_a) if (goalx == x): gangle = 0 else: gangle = (np.arctan((y - goaly) / (goalx - x)) % (2 * np.pi)) if (goalx - x < 0): gangle = gangle + np.pi gangle = (gangle - angle) % (2 * np.pi) gd = distance((x, y), (goalx, goaly)) if self.config_data['goal_position']: features = [vel, np.sin(gangle), np.cos(gangle), gd] features[0] += np.random.randn() * 5 * self.config_data['noise'] features[1] += np.random.randn() * 0.2 * self.config_data['noise'] features[2] += np.random.randn() * 0.2 * self.config_data['noise'] features[3] += np.random.randn() * 100 * self.config_data['noise'] else: features = [vel] features[0] += np.random.randn() * 5 * self.config_data['noise'] for arc_delta in self.arc_deltas: arc_angle = angle + arc_delta xd = x + np.cos(arc_angle)*self.beam_distance yd = y - np.sin(arc_angle)*self.beam_distance linestring = shapely.geometry.LineString([(x, y), (xd, yd)]) min_coll_d = self.beam_distance min_coll_type = None min_coll_vel = 0 min_coll_angle = 0 #min_coll_acc = 0 #min_coll_ang_vel = 0 if np.random.random() > self.config_data['omission_prob']: for sobj in current_state.static_objects: if car.can_collide(sobj) and linestring.intersects(sobj.get_shapely_obj()): isect = list(linestring.intersection(sobj.get_shapely_obj()).coords)[0] d = distance((x, y), isect) if (d < min_coll_d): min_coll_d = d min_coll_type = type(sobj) min_coll_vel = 0 min_coll_angle = 0 #min_coll_acc = 0 #min_coll_ang_vel = 0 for indx, key in enumerate(current_state.dynamic_objects): for did,agent_num in enumerate(current_state.dynamic_objects[key]): dobj = current_state.dynamic_objects[key][agent_num] if car is not dobj and car.can_collide(dobj) \ and type(dobj) is not TrafficLight and linestring.intersects(dobj.get_shapely_obj()): isect = list(linestring.intersection(dobj.get_shapely_obj()).coords)[0] d = distance((x, y), isect) if (d < min_coll_d): min_coll_d = d min_coll_type = type(dobj) min_coll_vel = dobj.vel min_coll_angle = (angle - dobj.angle) % (2 * np.pi) #print(min_coll_d, min_coll_type, 180 * min_coll_angle / np.pi, min_coll_vel) min_coll_d += np.random.randn() * 25 * self.config_data['noise'] min_coll_angle += np.random.randn() * 0.5 * self.config_data['noise'] min_coll_vel += np.random.randn() * 3 * self.config_data['noise'] features.extend([min_coll_d, np.sin(min_coll_angle), np.cos(min_coll_angle), min_coll_vel]) for indx, key in enumerate(current_state.dynamic_objects): for did,agent_num in enumerate(current_state.dynamic_objects[key]): dobj = current_state.dynamic_objects[key][agent_num] if type(dobj) is TrafficLight and light_cone.intersects(dobj.get_shapely_obj()): if np.abs((dobj.angle + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - angle) < np.pi / 4: d = distance((x, y), (dobj.x, dobj.y)) if (d < min_light_d): min_light_d = d min_light_state = dobj.color features.extend([min_light_d, {'red':1,'yellow':0.5,'green':0, None:-1}[min_light_state]]) return features