Source code for

from gym_urbandriving.assets.primitives.rectangle import Rectangle
from import Circle
from gym_urbandriving.assets.primitives.shape import Shape
from gym_urbandriving.assets.primitives.dynamic_shape import DynamicShape
from gym_urbandriving.assets.terrain import Terrain
from gym_urbandriving.assets.sidewalk import Sidewalk
from gym_urbandriving.assets.pedestrian import Pedestrian
from gym_urbandriving.assets.traffic_light import TrafficLight

from gym import spaces
import numpy as np

[docs]class Car(Rectangle, DynamicShape): """ Represents a point-model car. Parameters ---------- x : float Starting x coordinate of car's center y : float Starting y coordinate of car's center angle : float Starting angle of car in world space vel : float Starting velocity of car Attributes ---------- vel : float Forwards velocity of car max_vel : float Maximum allowable velocity of this carst xdim : float Length of car ydim : float Width of car """ def __init__(self, x, y, xdim=80, ydim=40, angle=0.0, vel=0.0, max_vel=5, mass=100.0, dynamics_model="kinematic", destination=None, trajectory=None): Rectangle.__init__(self, x, y, xdim, ydim, angle, mass=mass, sprite="blue_car.png") l_f = l_r = self.ydim / 2.0 DynamicShape.__init__(self, l_r, l_f, max_vel, dynamics_model) self.vel = vel self.max_vel = max_vel self.dynamics_model = dynamics_model self.destination = destination self.trajectory = trajectory self.l_f = self.l_r = self.ydim / 2.0 def at_goal(self, state): """ Returns if this car is at its goal destination, if specified. Goal destination must be either in 'NSEW' or a coordinate pair """ if not self.destination: return False elif self.destination == 'N': return self.y < 0 elif self.destination == 'S': return self.y > state.dimensions[1] elif self.destination == 'W': return self.x < 0 elif self.destination == 'E': return self.x > state.dimensions[0] else: return self.contains_point(self.destination[:2]) def passed_goal(self): return self.trajectory.npoints() == 0
[docs] def step(self, action): """ Updates this object given this action input Parameters ---------- action : The action to take """ self.shapely_obj = None if self.dynamics_model == "kinematic": self.x, self.y, self.vel, self.angle = self.kinematic_model_step(action, self.x, self.y, self.vel, self.angle) elif self.dynamics_model == "reeds_shepp": self.x, self.y, self.vel, self.angle = self.reeds_shepp_model_step(action, self.x, self.y, self.vel, self.angle) else: self.x, self.y, self.vel, self.angle = self.point_model_step(action, self.x, self.y, self.vel, self.angle) while self.trajectory and (self.contains_point(self.trajectory.first())): self.trajectory.pop()
def set_pos(self, x, y, vel, angle): self.shapely_obj = None angle = (angle + 2*np.pi) % (2*np.pi) self.x, self.y, self.vel, self.angle = x, y, vel, angle def get_state(self): """ Get state. Returns--- state: 1x3 array, contains x, y, angle of car. info_dict: dict, contains information about car. """ return self.x, self.y, self.angle, self.vel
[docs] def can_collide(self, other): """ Specifies whether this object can collide with another object Parameters ---------- other : Object to test collision against Returns ------- bool True if this object can collide with other """ from gym_urbandriving.assets.lane import Lane if type(other) in {Terrain, Sidewalk, Car, Pedestrian}: return True if type(other) in {TrafficLight} and other.color == 'red': return True if type(other) is Lane: a = abs(self.angle % (2*np.pi) - other.angle % (2*np.pi)) % (2*np.pi) return a > np.pi / 2 and a < 3*np.pi / 2 return False