Source code for fluids.sim

import numpy as np
import json
import pygame
from pygame.locals import DOUBLEBUF
from six import iteritems
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
from copy import deepcopy

from shapely import speedups

if speedups.available:

from fluids.state import State
from fluids.assets import *
from fluids.utils import *
from fluids.actions import *
from fluids.consts import *
from fluids.obs import GridObservation
from fluids.datasaver import DataSaver

[docs]class FluidSim(object): """ This class controls the generation and simulation of the urban environment. Parameters ---------- state: str Name of json layout file specifiying environment object positions. Default is "fluids_state_city" visualization_level: int 0 is no visualization. Higher numbers turn on more debug visuals. controlled_cars: int Number of cars to accept external control for background_cars: int Number of cars to control with the background planner background_peds: int Number of pedestrians to control with the background planner fps: int If set to a positive number, caps the FPS of the simulator. If set to 0, FPS is unbound. Default is 30 obs_space: str Controls what observation representation to return for controlled cars. fluids.BIRDSEYE or fluids.NONE screen_dim: int Height of the visualization screen. Default is 800 """ def __init__(self, visualization_level =1, fps =30, obs_space =OBS_NONE, obs_args ={}, background_control =BACKGROUND_NULL, reward_fn =REWARD_PATH, screen_dim =800, ): self.state = None self.screen_dim = screen_dim if visualization_level: pygame.init() pygame.font.init() self.fps_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Mono', 30) self.fps_surface = self.fps_font.render("0", False, (0, 0, 0)) #self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(self.screen_dim) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.obs_space = obs_space self.obs_args = obs_args self.reward_fn = {REWARD_PATH : path_reward, REWARD_NONE : lambda s : 0}[reward_fn] self.background_control = background_control self.vis_level = visualization_level self.fps = fps self.last_keys_pressed = None self.last_obs = {} self.next_actions = {} self.data_saver = None def __del__(self): pygame.quit()
[docs] def set_state(self, state): """ Sets the state to simulate Parameters ---------- state: fluids.State State object to simulate """ self.state = state self.multiagent_plan() state.update_vis_level(self.vis_level)
def set_data_saver(self, data_saver): self.data_saver = data_saver def save_data(self): if self.data_saver == None: return fluids_assert(type(self.data_saver) == DataSaver, "data_saver object must be of type DataSaver") self.data_saver.accumulate() def render(self): if not self.state: fluids_print("WARNING. Render called without calling set_state first") return if self.vis_level: self.clock.tick(self.fps) screen_dim = (int(self.screen_dim * self.state.dimensions[0] / self.state.dimensions[1]), self.screen_dim) full_surface = pygame.Surface(self.state.dimensions) self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_dim) self.surface.set_alpha(None) full_surface.blit(self.state.get_static_surface(), (0, 0)) if self.vis_level > 2: full_surface.blit(self.state.get_static_debug_surface(), (0, 0)) dynamic_surface = self.state.get_dynamic_surface(full_surface) if self.vis_level > 2: for k, obs in iteritems(self.last_obs): if obs: obs.render(dynamic_surface) full_surface.blit(dynamic_surface, (0, 0)) self.surface.blit(pygame.transform.scale(full_surface, screen_dim), (0, 0)) if not self.state.time % 30: self.fps_surface = self.fps_font.render( str(int(self.clock.get_fps())), False, (0, 0, 0)) self.surface.blit(self.fps_surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.event.pump() self.last_keys_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if self.last_keys_pressed[pygame.K_PERIOD]: self.vis_level += 1 self.state.update_vis_level(self.vis_level) fluids_print("New visualization level: " + str(self.vis_level)) elif self.last_keys_pressed[pygame.K_COMMA] and self.vis_level > 1: self.vis_level -= 1 self.state.update_vis_level(self.vis_level) fluids_print("New visualization level: " + str(self.vis_level)) if self.last_keys_pressed[pygame.K_o]: if self.obs_space == OBS_NONE: self.obs_space = OBS_BIRDSEYE fluids_print("Switching to observation: birdseye") elif self.obs_space == OBS_BIRDSEYE: self.obs_space = OBS_GRID fluids_print("Switching to observation: grid") elif self.obs_space == OBS_GRID: self.obs_space = OBS_QLIDAR fluids_print("Switching to observation: qlidar") else: self.obs_space = OBS_NONE fluids_print("Switching to observation: none") else: self.clock.tick(0) if not self.state.time % 60: fluids_print("FPS: " + str(int(self.clock.get_fps())))
[docs] def get_control_keys(self): """ Returns ------- list of keys Keys for every controlled car in the scene """ fluids_assert(self.state, "get_control_keys called without setting the state") return self.state.controlled_cars.keys()
[docs] def step(self, actions={}): """ Simulates one frame Parameters ---------- actions : dict of (key -> action) Keys in dict should correspond to controlled cars. Action can be of type KeyboardAction, SteeringAction, SteeringAccAction, VelocityAction, or SteeringVelAction Returns ------- """ fluids_assert(self.state, "step called without setting the state") car_keys = self.state.controlled_cars.keys() for k in list(self.next_actions): if k in car_keys and k in actions: if type(actions[k]) == SteeringAction: actions[k] = SteeringAccAction( actions[k].steer, self.state.dynamic_objects[k].PIDController(self.next_actions[k], update=False).acc) self.next_actions.pop(k) self.next_actions.update(actions) for k, v in iteritems(self.next_actions): if type(v) == KeyboardAction: if self.last_keys_pressed: keys = self.last_keys_pressed acc = 1 if keys[pygame.K_UP] else -1 if keys[pygame.K_DOWN] else 0 steer = 1 if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] else -1 if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] else 0 self.next_actions[k] = SteeringAccAction(steer, acc) else: self.next_actions[k] = None elif type(v) == SteeringAction: action = self.next_actions # Simulate the objects for k, v in iteritems(self.state.dynamic_objects): self.state.objects[k].step(self.next_actions[k] if k in self.next_actions \ else None) self.state.time += 1 reward_step = self.reward_fn(self.state) #print(reward_step) # Get background vehicle and pedestrian controls self.multiagent_plan() self.save_data() return reward_step
[docs] def get_observations(self, keys={}): """ Get observations from controlled cars in the scene. Parameters ---------- keys: dict of keys Keys should refer to cars in the scene Returns ------- dict of (key -> FluidsObs) Dictionary mapping keys of controlled cars to FluidsObs object """ fluids_assert(self.state, "get_observations called without setting the state") observations = {k:self.state.objects[k].make_observation(self.obs_space, **self.obs_args) for k in keys} self.last_obs = observations return observations
[docs] def get_supervisor_actions(self, action_type=SteeringAccAction, keys={}): """ Get the actions assigned to the selected car by the FLUIDS multiagent planer Parameters ---------- action_type: fluids.Action Type of action to return. VelocityAction, SteeringAccAction, SteeringAction, and SteeringVelAction are currently supported keys: set Set of keys for controlled cars or background cars to return actions for Returns ------- dict of (key -> fluids.Action) Dictionary mapping car keys to actions """ if action_type == VelocityAction: return {k:self.next_actions[k] for k in keys} elif action_type == SteeringAccAction: return {k:self.state.dynamic_objects[k].PIDController(self.next_actions[k], update=False) for k in keys} elif action_type == SteeringAction: return {k:self.state.dynamic_objects[k].PIDController( self.next_actions[k], update=False).asSteeringAction() for k in keys} elif action_type == SteeringVelAction: return {k:SteeringVelAction(self.state.dynamic_objects[k].PIDController( self.next_actions[k], update=False).get_action()[0], self.next_actions[k].get_action()) for k in keys} else: fluids_assert(false, "Illegal action type")
def multiagent_plan(self): if self.background_control == BACKGROUND_NULL: return {} # "Futures" represents the future zones where the car will occupy if the car # chooses to move # "Buffered_objs" represents a buffered region around the car, which is # approximately where the car will occupy if it chooses to stop futures = { k:o.get_future_shape() \ for k, o in iteritems(self.state.type_map[Car])} futures_lights = [(o, o.get_future_color()) \ for k, o in iteritems(self.state.type_map[TrafficLight])] futures_crosswalks = [(o, o.get_future_color()) \ for k, o in iteritems(self.state.type_map[CrossWalkLight])] futures_peds = { k:o.get_future_shape() \ for k, o in iteritems(self.state.type_map[Pedestrian])} buffered_objs = { k: o.shapely_obj.buffer(10) \ for k, o in iteritems(self.state.type_map[Car])} keys = list(futures.keys()) ped_keys = list(futures_peds.keys()) # Create the CSP solver for this instance of the problem solver = pywrapcp.Solver("FLUIDS Background CSP") # Maps fluids object keys to CSP solver "variable" objects var_map = {} for k in futures: # For all cars, possible vel values are (-1, 0, 1) # Technically only 0 and 1 are allowed, but restricting # values to 0/1 will result in unsolvable problems occasionaly # To avoid fatal crashes when this happens, let "-1" be adummy value var = solver.IntVar(-1, 1, str(k)) var_map[k] = var for k in futures_peds: # Pedestrian velocities are 0 or 1 var = solver.IntVar(0, 1, str(k)) var_map[k] = var fast_map = {} # For every car1-car2 pair, for k1x in range(len(keys)): k1 = keys[k1x] k1v = var_map[k1] car1 = self.state.objects[k1] for k2x in range(k1x + 1, len(keys)): k2 = keys[k2x] k2v = var_map[k2] car2 = self.state.objects[k2] # If there is no possibility of these car's colliding, # we don't generate a constraint might_collide = futures[k1].intersects(futures[k2]) if might_collide: # f1 is True if there is no collision when car2 moves and car1 stops # f2 is True if there is no collision when car1 moves and car2 stops f1 = not futures[k2].intersects(buffered_objs[k1]) f2 = not futures[k1].intersects(buffered_objs[k2]) # We know at this point that if both cars move, there is collision, # so add a constraint for that here solver.Add(k1v + k2v < 2) # If car2 will collide when it moves, prevent it from moving if not f1: solver.Add((k2v == 1) == False) # If car1 will collide when it moves, prevent it from moving if not f2: solver.Add((k1v == 1) == False) # For every car-ped pair for k2x in range(len(ped_keys)): k2 = ped_keys[k2x] k2v = var_map[k2] ped2 = self.state.objects[k2] might_collide = futures[k1].intersects(futures_peds[k2]) # Same logic as for car-car interactions if might_collide: f1 = not futures_peds[k2].intersects(buffered_objs[k1]) f2 = not futures[k1].intersects(ped2.shapely_obj) solver.Add(k1v + k2v < 2) if not f1: solver.Add((k2v == 1) == False) if not f2: solver.Add((k1v == 1) == False) # For every car-light pair for fl, flc in futures_lights: # If the light will be rec, and the car will collide with it when it moves, # limit the movement of the car if flc == "red" and futures[k1].intersects(fl.shapely_obj) \ and not car1.intersects(fl): solver.Add(k1v == 0) # For every ped-light pair for k1x in range(len(ped_keys)): k1 = ped_keys[k1x] k1v = var_map[k1] ped1 = self.state.objects[k1] for fl, flc in futures_crosswalks: if abs(ped1.angle - fl.angle) < np.pi / 2: if flc == "red" and ped1.intersects(fl): solver.Add(k1v == 0) # Solve the CSP, try to assign max allowable velocity to every car/pedestrian # (everything stop is a trivial solution) db = solver.Phase(sorted([v for k,v in iteritems(var_map)]), solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, solver.ASSIGN_MAX_VALUE) solver.NewSearch(db) solver.NextSolution() actions = {} # Interpret the solver solution for k, v in iteritems(var_map): if k in self.state.type_map[Car]: actions[k] = VelocityAction(v.Value()*0.7) elif k in self.state.type_map[Pedestrian]: actions[k] = v.Value() self.next_actions = actions def run_time(self): fluids_assert(self.state, "run_time called without setting the state") return self.state.time def in_deadlock(self): """ Returns true if multiagent planner has deadlocked """ for _, car in iteritems(self.state.type_map[Car]): if car.stopped_time < 10: return False return True def detect_collision(self, car_keys): """ Returns if car was in collision. If car_keys is iterable of keys, returns a dict mapping key->bool for collision status If car_keys is just one key, returns bool """ if type(car_keys) != int: return {k:self.state.is_in_collision(self.state.type_map[Car][k]) for k in car_keys} else: return self.state.is_in_collision(self.state.type_map[Car][car_keys])