Source code for fluids.obs.grid

from six import iteritems
import numpy as np
import pygame
from fluids.assets.shape import Shape
from fluids.obs.obs import FluidsObs
from fluids.utils import rotation_array
from scipy.misc import imresize
from fluids.consts import *

[docs]class GridObservation(FluidsObs): """ Grid observation type. Observation is an occupancy grid over the detection region. Observation has 11 dimensions: terrain, drivable regions, illegal drivable regions, cars, pedestrians, traffic lights x 3, way points, point trajectory and edge trajectory. Array representation is (grid_size, grid_size, 11) """ def __init__(self, car, obs_dim=500, shape=(500,500)): from fluids.assets import ALL_OBJS, TrafficLight, Lane, Terrain, Sidewalk, \ PedCrossing, Street, Car, Waypoint, Pedestrian state = car.state = car self.shape = shape self.grid_dim = obs_dim self.downsample = self.shape != (obs_dim, obs_dim) self.grid_square = Shape(x=car.x+obs_dim/3*np.cos(car.angle), y=car.y-obs_dim/3*np.sin(car.angle), xdim=obs_dim, ydim=obs_dim, angle=car.angle, color=None, border_color=(200,0,0)) self.all_collideables = [] collideable_map = {typ:[] for typ in ALL_OBJS} for k, obj in iteritems(state.objects): if (car.can_collide(obj) or type(obj) in {TrafficLight, Lane, Street}) and self.grid_square.intersects(obj): typ = type(obj) if typ == TrafficLight: if obj.color == RED: typ = "TrafficLight-Red" elif obj.color == GREEN: typ = "TrafficLight-Green" elif obj.color == YELLOW: typ = "TrafficLight-Yellow" if typ not in collideable_map: collideable_map[typ] = [] collideable_map[typ].append(obj) self.all_collideables.append(obj) for waypoint in car.waypoints: collideable_map[Waypoint].append(waypoint) self.all_collideables.append(waypoint) terrain_window = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) drivable_window = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) undrivable_window = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) car_window = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) ped_window = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) light_window_red = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) light_window_green= pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) light_window_yellow=pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) direction_window = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) direction_pixel_window \ = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) direction_edge_window \ = pygame.Surface((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim)) gd = self.grid_dim a0 = + np.pi / 2 a1 = rel = (*np.cos(a0)-gd/6*np.cos(a1),*np.sin(a0)+gd/6*np.sin(a1), for typ in [Terrain, Sidewalk, PedCrossing]: for obj in collideable_map[typ]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) rel_obj.render(terrain_window, border=None) for obj in collideable_map[Lane]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) if not car.can_collide(obj): rel_obj.render(drivable_window, border=None) else: rel_obj.render(undrivable_window, border=None) for obj in collideable_map[Street]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) rel_obj.render(drivable_window, border=None) for obj in collideable_map[Car]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) rel_obj.render(car_window, border=None) for obj in collideable_map[Pedestrian]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) rel_obj.render(ped_window, border=None) for obj in collideable_map["TrafficLight-Red"]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) rel_obj.render(light_window_red, border=None) for obj in collideable_map["TrafficLight-Green"]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) rel_obj.render(light_window_green, border=None) for obj in collideable_map["TrafficLight-Yellow"]: rel_obj = obj.get_relative(rel) rel_obj.render(light_window_green, border=None) point = (int(gd/6), int(gd/2)) edge_point = None def is_on_screen(point, gd): return 0 <= point[0] < gd and 0 <= point[1] < gd line_width = 20 for p in relp = p.get_relative(rel) new_point = int(relp.x), int(relp.y) if not edge_point and is_on_screen(point, gd) and not is_on_screen(new_point, gd): edge_point = new_point pygame.draw.line(direction_window, (255, 255, 255), point, new_point, line_width) point = new_point if edge_point: edge_point = (min(gd - 1, max(0, edge_point[0])), min(gd - 1, max(0, edge_point[1]))), (255, 255, 255), edge_point, line_width) if edge_point: if edge_point[0] == 0: pygame.draw.line(direction_edge_window, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0), (0, gd - 1), line_width) if edge_point[0] == gd - 1: pygame.draw.line(direction_edge_window, (255, 255, 255), (gd - 1, 0), (gd - 1, gd - 1), line_width) if edge_point[1] == 0: pygame.draw.line(direction_edge_window, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0), (gd - 1, 0), line_width) if edge_point[1] == gd - 1: pygame.draw.line(direction_edge_window, (255, 255, 255), (0, gd - 1), (gd - 1, gd - 1), line_width) self.pygame_rep = [pygame.transform.rotate(window, 90) for window in [terrain_window, drivable_window, undrivable_window, car_window, ped_window, light_window_red, light_window_green, light_window_yellow, direction_window, direction_pixel_window, direction_edge_window ]] def render(self, surface): self.grid_square.render(surface, border=10) if > 3: if > 4: for obj in self.all_collideables: obj.render_debug(surface) for y in range(4): for x in range(2): i = y + x * 4 if i < len(self.pygame_rep): surface.blit(self.pygame_rep[i], (surface.get_size()[0] - self.grid_dim * (x+1), self.grid_dim * y)) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (200, 0, 0), pygame.Rect((surface.get_size()[0] - self.grid_dim*(x+1)-5, 0-5+self.grid_dim*y), (self.grid_dim+10, self.grid_dim+10)), 10) def get_array(self): arr = np.zeros((self.grid_dim, self.grid_dim, len(self.pygame_rep))) for i in range(len(self.pygame_rep)): arr[:,:,i] = pygame.surfarray.array2d(self.pygame_rep[i]) != 0 # print(pygame.surfarray.array2d(self.pygame_rep[i]) != 0) if self.downsample: arr = self.sp_imresize(arr, self.shape) return arr def sp_imresize(self, arr, shape): return np.array([imresize(arr[:,:,i],shape) for i in range(arr.shape[2])]).T
# def label_distribution_from_block(self, arr, start, end): # """Returns the distribution of labels in a block from arr. # If start or end are floats, the distribution includes weighted elements # on the edge of the block. # Args: # arr (np.ndarray): 3D array from which to obtain the block where the # 3rd dimension is a one-hot encoded vector of labels. # start (tuple of floats): top left corner of the block. # end (tuple of floats): bottom right corner of block. # Returns: # Array containing the distribution of labels. # """ # assert len(start) == len(end) == 2 # assert len(arr.shape) == 3 # start = np.array(start) # end = np.array(end) # start_idx = np.ceil(start).astype( # end_idx = np.floor(end).astype( # counts = np.sum(arr[start_idx[0]:end_idx[0], start_idx[1]:end_idx[1]], # axis=(0, 1)) # NUM_DECIMALS = 7 # Prevents floating point errors # top_weight, left_weight = np.round(-start % 1, NUM_DECIMALS) # bottom_weight, right_weight = np.round(end, NUM_DECIMALS) % 1 # counts = counts.astype(np.float) # # Edges not including corners # if top_weight > 1e-4: # Tolerate floating point errors with small numbers # counts += top_weight * \ # np.sum(arr[start_idx[0] - 1, start_idx[1]:end_idx[1]], axis=0) # if bottom_weight > 1e-4: # counts += bottom_weight * \ # np.sum(arr[end_idx[0], start_idx[1]:end_idx[1]], axis=0) # if left_weight > 1e-4: # counts += left_weight * \ # np.sum(arr[start_idx[0]:end_idx[0], start_idx[1] - 1], # axis=0) # if right_weight > 1e-4: # counts += right_weight * \ # np.sum(arr[start_idx[0]:end_idx[0], end_idx[1]], # axis=0) # # Corners # if top_weight and left_weight: # counts += top_weight * left_weight * arr[start_idx[0], start_idx[1]] # if top_weight and right_weight: # counts += top_weight * right_weight * arr[start_idx[0], end_idx[1]] # if bottom_weight and left_weight: # counts += bottom_weight * left_weight * arr[end_idx[0], start_idx[1]] # if bottom_weight and right_weight: # counts += bottom_weight * right_weight * arr[end_idx[0], end_idx[1]] # return counts / np.sum(counts) # def to_low_res_truth(self, labeled_img, shape, nsamples=None): # """Calculates the distrubution of each region. # Uses the area of intersection between each pixel and the larger low-res # region to weight each label in order to construct the distribution. # Args: # labeled_img (np.ndarray): 3D array from which to obtain the block # where the 3rd dimension is a one-hot encoded vector of labels. # shape (tuple of length 2): output resolution. # nsamples: dummy argument to mantain API consistency. # Returns: # Low resolution array where the 3rd dimension contains the distribution # of labels present within the high resolution elements corresponding # to the location in the low resolution array. # """ # assert len(labeled_img.shape) == 3 # row_step, col_step = np.divide(labeled_img.shape[0:2], shape) # low_res = np.array([[self.label_distribution_from_block( # labeled_img, (i, j), (i + row_step, j + col_step)) # for j in np.arange(0, labeled_img.shape[1], col_step)] # for i in np.arange(0, labeled_img.shape[0], row_step)]) # return low_res