Source code for gym_urbandriving.assets.lane

from gym_urbandriving.assets.street import Street
from gym_urbandriving.assets.primitives import Rectangle, Polygon
from import Car
import numpy as np

[docs]class Lane(Polygon): """ Represents a lane of road. Lanes have directionality, so cars should drive in the right direction. Default construction creates a rectangular block. Parameters ---------- x : float Upper left x coordinate of the lane block y : float Upper left y coordinate of the lane block xdim : float Width of the lane block ydim : float Height of the lane block angle ; float In degrees, the rotation of the lane block. The correct direction of travel along this lane. points : list List of XY coordinates specifying edge points of a polygon. If specified, lane will be constructed as a polygon. curvature : list If specified, generates a curved road segment with this arc angle, centered at x, y, and with inner and outer radii inner_r, outer_r : float Use with curvature argument to generated curved road segment. """ def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, xdim=0, ydim=0, angle=0.0, angle_deg=0, points=[], curvature=0, inner_r=0, outer_r=0): """ Initializes lane as a Polygon object """ angle = np.deg2rad(angle_deg % 360.) if angle_deg else angle if not len(points) and not curvature: a = angle % (2*np.pi) a = -a corner_offsets = np.array([xdim / 2.0, ydim / 2.0]) centers = np.array([x, y]) signs = np.array([[1,1], [1,-1], [-1,-1], [-1,1]]) corner_offsets = signs * corner_offsets rotation_mat = np.array([[np.cos(a), -np.sin(a)], [np.sin(a), np.cos(a)]]) points =, rotation_mat.T) + centers if not len(points) and curvature: assert(inner_r < outer_r) angles = [i*curvature/10 + angle for i in range(11)] outers = [(outer_r*np.cos(a)+x, -outer_r*np.sin(a)+y) for a in angles] inners = [(inner_r*np.cos(a)+x, -inner_r*np.sin(a)+y) for a in angles] points = outers + inners[::-1] angle = (curvature/2 + np.pi/2 + angle) % (2*np.pi) Polygon.__init__(self, points, angle, color=(40, 40, 40))
[docs] def generate_car(self, car_model="kinematic"): """ Creates a car on this lane ready to drive into the intersection Parameters ---------- car_type : "kinematic" or "point" or "reeds_shepp" Specifies dynamics model for the car Returns ------- Car Generated Car object """ x = np.random.uniform(self.minx+50., self.maxx-50.) y = np.random.uniform(self.miny+50., self.maxy-50.) car = Car(x, y, angle=self.angle+np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1), dynamics_model=car_model) return car
def side_of_road(self,point): if self.angle%np.pi < 1e-5: y_dif = point[1] - ((self.miny +self.maxy)/2.0) if y_dif > 0: return "RIGHT" else: return "LEFT" if self.angle%np.pi > 1e-5: x_dif = point[0] - ((self.minx +self.maxx)/2.0) if x_dif > 0: return "LEFT" else: return "RIGHT"